Healthy Ireland is the national Framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland. It is a government-led initiative that aims to create an Irish society where everyone can enjoy good physical and mental health, and where wellbeing is valued and supported at every level of society. Healthy Ireland aims to create an Ireland where health and wellbeing is on everyone’s agenda in a meaningful way.
The Healthy Ireland Framework aims to:
- Bring a concerted focus on life-long wellbeing, prevention of illness
- Seeks to reduce health inequalities
- Address the settings in which health and wellbeing is impacted
- Emphasise the need to empower people and communities to better look after their own health and wellbeing
Healthy Ireland recognises that health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday life; where they learn, work, play, and love. A settings-based approach to health promotion maximises disease prevention by utilising a whole systems approach, thereby addressing the wider determinants of health. Settings enable the support of populations that experience health inequalities and address the challenges specific to the identified area. One of the priority settings identified by Healthy Ireland is workplaces.
As such, the Healthy Workplaces Framework is one part of The Healthy Ireland Framework 2013-2025. The development of this website to support workplaces in implementing the Healthy Workplaces Framework was a goal of Healthy Ireland. Future goals include:
- Developing evaluation guidelines for workplaces
- Launching a National Network for Healthy Workplaces
- Developing a Healthy Ireland Award for workplaces
- Hosting a National Conference to showcase good practice in Healthy Workplaces
As you can see, your workplace plays a key role in the success of Healthy Ireland and the Healthy Workplaces Framework!
To learn more about the Healthy Ireland Strategic Plan, visit the page below:
Healthy Ireland at Work: A National Framework for Healthy Workplaces in Ireland