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Healthy Workplace Framework At-a-Glance

What is the Healthy Workplace Framework?

The Healthy Workplace Framework is a government strategy to enhance the health and wellbeing of Ireland’s workers. The Framework is one part of The Healthy Ireland Framework 2013-2025. The Framework sets the strategic direction for workplace policies and programmes to enhance the health of workers.

How does this Framework fit in with existing laws and policies in the workplace?

The Framework integrates existing government laws and policies. It aligns with other government strategies on issues like reducing injuries and ill-health, promoting active travel and positive mental health. Employers have a legal obligation to comply with health and safety legislation, but there is no legal obligation for employers or workplaces to participate in health and wellbeing. However, taking part in good quality health and wellbeing initiatives in the workplace has multiple benefits for both workers and businesses.

How was the Framework Developed?

A committee led by the Department of Health and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment oversaw the development of this Framework. The Framework has been informed by a review of the evidence as well as consultation and engagement with key stakeholders. To build capacity and enhance knowledge and skills a postgraduate course in Health Promotion in Workplace Wellness was initiated in 2018 to support the subsequent delivery of the Framework. The two documents below show a deeper dive into the consultation and development process:

One of the Framework objectives included developing a delivery model supporting workplaces to implement the Healthy Workplace Framework. This model supports workplaces to move through the following steps in transitioning to a Healthy Workplace:

Illustrated figure with orange t-shirt and green cap
  • Step 1 – Gain and Demonstrate Support
  • Step 2 – Conduct Assessments and Set Objectives
  • Step 3 – Plan and Resource
  • Step 4 – Implement
  • Step 5 – Evaluate and Improve

To access the delivery model, get started here or navigate through the Workplace Wellbeing drop-down menu.

In This Section

About Ireland’s Healthy Workplace Framework

Healthy Workplace Framework At-a-Glance What is the Healthy Workplace Framework? The Healthy Workplace Framework is a government strategy to enhance the health and wellbeing of Ireland’s workers. The Framework is …

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Healthy Workplace Ireland
Block 1, Miesian Plaza, 50 – 58 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, D02 XW14

About Healthy Ireland

Healthy Ireland is the national Framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland. It is a government-led initiative that aims to create an Irish …