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Workplace Wellbeing

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Your wellbeing initiatives at the individual level will likely focus on raising awareness, building skills to manage this wellbeing area, and/or might be preventative in nature.

Raise awareness of the importance of coping through life transitions

  1. Strengthen your community by linking employees with local resources and even consider aligning with community organisations as part of a Corporate Social Responsibility policy. See our Community Links to connect with a local community organisation and subscribe to their newsletter to keep abreast of the latest news and events in this wellbeing space. They may be able to offer supports, services, or partnership in:
  2. Workshops or lunchtime information sessions. These can be educational in nature to promote understanding of the importance of coping through life transitions or how to be supportive and engage with someone going through a difficult time. Instead of once-off sessions, include a long-term plan for these sessions and remember to enable employees to avail of these sessions by making reasonable schedule or workload accommodations.
  3. Resources to remind staff of the importance of minding their mental health. These can include posters, infographics, videos, or write-ups in company newsletters etc.
  4. Participating in awareness days. There are annual awareness days that typically include a national. For example National Grief Awareness Week is held each January. You can support local organisations that specialise in this wellbeing area and honour the day in various ways while promoting your activities in a company newsletter or on your social media. Remember though that it’s important to be supportive to your employee all year ‘round!
  5. Mindfulness, healthy eating, create support networks

Appropriate level of support

It’s important to remember that every employee has different circumstances. life transitions and coping mechanisms will look differently across your employees.

It is important to provide comprehensive supports, signpost to appropriate resources or link with appropriate department(s) in the workplace (HR, Occupational Health Nurse, insurance-provider etc.) Also see our Community Links to connect with an organisation that can help your employees cope with life transitions and that may be able to offer supports, services, or partnership in:

  • Workshops or lunchtime sessions. to help employees manage their stress or become more resilient. Instead of once-off sessions, include a long-term plan for these sessions and remember to enable employees to avail of these sessions by making reasonable schedule or workload accommodations.
  • Resources to promote ways for staff to mind themselves during challenging times of transition. These can include posters, infographics, videos, or write-ups in company newsletters etc. that include practical coping tips.
  • Ensure inclusion. Don’t forget to make accommodations for remote-working employees and those who work off-site or travel as they will not be able to see on-site posters and are somewhat isolated from formal and informal conversations. It’s easy for these employees to feel disconnected so special considerations should be made.
  • Developing an EAP. It is important to provide appropriate support to employees who are going through a difficult time.
  • Other advice. Know your legal obligations and recommended supports for employees experiencing mental ill-health or facilitating their return to work when they’re ready.
  • Integrating holistic wellbeing. See how you can integrate other wellbeing areas such as Mental Health, Smoking, and Alcohol and Drugs as stress and toxic substances as these contribute to mental wellbeing and resilience through challenges.

Connect with the HSE and community support organisations for infographics and other resources in our Community Links section.


Irish Hospice Foundation

This resource is from the Irish Hospice Foundation have been running a successful grief in the workplace (GITW) programme for over 10 years, and have developed a suite of training, educational resources and interventions for employees experiencing both personal and …

Irish Hospice Foundation

As the National Charity for Dying, Death and Bereavement in Ireland, a key part of our work is to build awareness of bereavement and loss, and how the resulting grief can impact person’s life. Many people will be working at …