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Workplace Wellbeing

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Healthy eating is one of the pillars of health and wellbeing, and the workplace can often be the place where employees eat most of their food, making it an ideal setting for promoting healthy eating.

There are multiple reasons to promote healthy eating in your workplace and ensure your workplace environment is conducive to healthy eating choices. Poor nutrition is linked to chronic disease and illness, and lack of essential nutrients will hinder the body’s ability to flourish and heal which impacts on cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

An organisation’s greatest asset is their workforce. A workforce with decreased risks of disease and illness and enhanced cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities has the potential to lead to multiple benefits:

  • Greater productivity, innovation, and creativity
  • Greater motivation and problem-solving capacity
  • Greater loyalty to the organisation
  • Greater workplace cohesion and stronger team spirit
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced insurance costs
  • Healthy, happy, and thriving workplace environment

Additionally, a commitment to the health of your employees will improve your public image and recruitment and retention opportunities.

Here are some quick resources to get you started:

While these resources are helpful to get you started, it’s very important to carefully plan your workplace wellbeing activities. Research shows that all activities that target the individual employee, should be coupled with activities at the level of the organisation. In other words, you should always take measures to create a supportive organisational environment alongside lifestyle-focussed supports for your employees. We’ve included detailed advice on how best to plan your activities at both these levels.

Organisation-level Activities

The “bedrock” of the CIPD Well-being Pyramid is culture, leadership and people management. These are the best ways to ensure you’re creating a solid foundation to your workplace well-being efforts

Individual-level Activities

Your wellbeing initiatives at the individual level will likely focus on raising awareness and/or building skills to manage this wellbeing area.

Connect with the HSE and community support organisations for infographics and other resources in our Community Links section.


Healthy Vending

The HSE Vending Policy 2019 applies to all vending machines that stock cold soft drinks, confectionery and snacks on HSE premises & premises funded by the HSE. The self-audit toolkit supports service managers and staff to monitor the implementation of …

Association for Nutrition (AfN)

We are the independent regulator for Registered Nutritionists. A Registered Charity, our role is to protect and benefit the public. We hold the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN), a register of competent, qualified nutrition professionals who meet our rigorously …


CORU is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator. Our role is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals.

Food Fact Sheet

The Association of UK Dietitians has developed a fact sheet that highlights the important levers for a change toward healthy eating.

Food Safety

Safefood has developed resources to ensure food safety skills. Various topics are explored such as allergens, hygiene, business practices etc.

Safefood Resources

Safefood has developed a range of online, video and print resources that can be used as part of programmes that support and encourage people to develop skills and knowledge.

INDI Fact Sheets

This area of the INDI website contains all current Fact Sheets. You can quickly find the Fact Sheet you are looking for by using their search box or by using the category listings.

HSE – Health promotion publications

Create a free account with the HSE’s Health Promotion publications and gain access to a comprehensive database of posters, infographics and documents for various health and wellbeing topics targeted to various audiences.

Living Well

The HSE focusses on Living Well, offering comprehensive advice on how to stay well and support your mental and physical health.

Food Pyramid Posters & Fact Sheets

This Healthy Ireland website offers a library of fact sheets, posters and case studies to help you navigate the food pyramid. It offers advice for different ages and details each of the ‘shelves’ within the Healthy Eating Pyramid so that …

Posters and Infographics

The HSE produce and distribute a wide range of health related resources. You can use this database to find relevant information for your topic of interest and then download or order them online.