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The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is Ireland’s national statistical office and their purpose is to collect, analyse statistics about Ireland’s people, society and economy.

There are approximately 850 staff in total, based in Cork and Dublin locations, as well as field interviewers conducting household interviews nationally. Well-being is identified as a key priority in the CSO’s People Strategy.

Promoting Workplace Wellbeing – The Process

Senior management assigned dedicated staff and budgetary resources to support the development and implementation of a well-being programme for staff across four areas – Health, Fitness, Nutrition and Mind & Body. Funding was also provided to support staff training in health and well-being. Staff input and involvement in the programme was actively encouraged and facilitated by line managers. Health related talks, posters and messaging were facilitated on an ongoing basis.

Evaluations were built into most initiatives and included gathering feedback pre and post initiative, measuring participation rates and an annual staff survey.


  • Gaining staff participation was a challenge at first and communication and consultation with staff was an essential requirement to engage staff with the programme and develop the range of initiatives and interventions
  • Lack of space to host classes, showers and changing facilities proved problematic as activities increased. Negotiating discounted classes locally (outside of core working hours) helped overcome some obstacles
  • Devising a tailored programme for remote staff was logistically difficult. Assigning team champions has helped and efforts to increase the level of engagement with the programme is ongoing


Costs vary, with the majority of the budget assigned to class subsidies, facilitator costs and initial start- up costs.

Availing of the numerous free supports through national health organisations keep costs to a minimum, e.g. Healthy Ireland, Irish Heart Foundation, Irish Cancer Society, Diabetes Ireland.


  • Culture of health and wellbeing embedded in the organisation
  • Staff given the opportunity to raise personal awareness and knowledge in health-related areas as part of their working environment
  • Reputation of the organisation as a positive working environment and an employer of choice is promoted
  • Staff are given the opportunity to manage initiatives and demonstrate leadership skills


  • Ensure senior management are visibly committed to workplace well-being
  • Support a business proposal to senior management with relevant metrics and proposed programme benefits
  • Conduct staff focus groups and information sessions to ascertain priorities and encourage involvement
  • Establish the main goals and objectives of the well-being programme
  • Consider what improvements are required and how they can be achieved
  • Continually evaluate, review and improve the programme
  • Think creatively and allow the programme room to grow