CIPD HR Awards Deadline Extended
CIPD has extended the deadline for nominations to Friday 27 October 2023. These prestigious awards are an opportunity for companies and individuals to showcase their best work and valuable contribution …
CIPD has extended the deadline for nominations to Friday 27 October 2023. These prestigious awards are an opportunity for companies and individuals to showcase their best work and valuable contribution …
Recognising excellence in people development Open for entries! Get the recognition for the valuable contribution and impact you and your team have made to people in championing better work …
Iarnrod Eireann/Irish Rail is the winner of the CIPD Ireland HR Award of the 2023 Healthy Ireland “Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing” for large workplaces.
Claire County Council is the CIPD Ireland HR Awards winner of the 2023 Healthy Ireland “Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing” for small/medium workplaces.