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Critical Incident Stress Management

CISM is an intervention protocol developed specifically for dealing with traumatic events. It is a formal, highly structured and professionally recognised process for helping those involved in a critical incident to share their experiences, vent emotions, learn about stress reactions …

State Claims Agency

The State Claims Agency resolves personal injury and third-party property damage claims against State Authorities, as delegated to us by Government. We also provide related risk management services, advising and assisting State Authorities in seeking to reduce or prevent future …

Work Positive CI

Work PositiveCI is a FREE easy to use, innovative, confidential, psychosocial risk management process. It provides feedback on workplace stressors, employee psychological wellbeing and critical incident exposure in the workplace. It delivers structured guidance enabling organisations to develop an action plan …

Health and Safety Authority

The State Claims Agency resolves personal injury and third-party property damage claims against State Authorities, as delegated to us by Government. We also provide related risk management services, advising and assisting State Authorities in seeking to reduce or prevent future …