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SunSmart Toolbox Talk for Outdoor Workers

The SunSmart Toolbox Talk provides basic information for outdoor workers about their health risks of UV radiation and the importance of protecting the skin and eyes from UV radiation. Enter your details in the form linked below to request a …

Irish Hospice Foundation

Learn more about grief theory by accessing this free short self-directed course by the Irish Hospice Foundation. This a starting point to understand the grieving process which can be both informative and healing for people who have experienced grief and …

Irish Hospice Foundation

This resource is from the Irish Hospice Foundation have been running a successful grief in the workplace (GITW) programme for over 10 years, and have developed a suite of training, educational resources and interventions for employees experiencing both personal and …

Irish Hospice Foundation

As the National Charity for Dying, Death and Bereavement in Ireland, a key part of our work is to build awareness of bereavement and loss, and how the resulting grief can impact person’s life. Many people will be working at …

Connecting for Life

Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide aims to better understand suicidal behaviour and improve quality and access to integrated services while supporting communities to prevent and respond to suicidal behaviour.

Sharing the Vision: A Mental Health Policy for Everyone

Ireland’s national mental health policy aims to enhance the provision of mental health services and supports across a broad continuum, from mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention to acute and specialist mental health service delivery, during the period 2020-2030.

The Irish Hospice Foundation Training Suite

This resource is from the Irish Hospice Foundation have been running a successful grief in the workplace (GITW) programme for over 10 years, and have developed a suite of training, educational resources and interventions for employees experiencing both personal and …

Irish Hospice Foundation Position Paper

This is a helpful position paper by the Irish Hospice Foundation that makes the case for good grief and bereavement care in the workplace for employers, employee representative organisations and policymakers.