HSE – Physical Activity Guidelines and Posters
The HSE and Department of Health and Children have produced The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland to support the promotion of physical activity in Ireland.
The HSE and Department of Health and Children have produced The National Guidelines on Physical Activity for Ireland to support the promotion of physical activity in Ireland.
The best thing you can do for your health is not to smoke or vape. The HSE offers free support and advice on options that help with nicotine withdrawal.
This resource from the British Heart Foundation aims to facilitate a social support network at work to help employees quit smoking.
The Citizen’s Information website offers a comprehensive and detailed look at smoking in the workplace.
The HSE has a detailed Tobacco Free Campus Implementation Guidance Document that outlines how to make your working environment safer for your employees and anyone who visits your workplace.
The HSE’s Tobacco Cessation Support Programme is a structured behavioural support programme for smoking cessation.
EVE is a department within the HSE that is committed to the provision of effective, safe,high quality health and personal social services in the community
This HSE programme can help you quit smoking. Sign up to a QUIT plan – QUIT smoking for 28 days and start taking back control.
This resource from NHS Healthy Scotland & Healthy Working Lives Scotland offers the benefits of having a smoke-free environment and ideas of how to promote this.
The Association of UK Dietitians has developed a fact sheet that highlights the important levers for a change toward healthy eating.
Safefood has developed resources to ensure food safety skills. Various topics are explored such as allergens, hygiene, business practices etc.
Safefood has developed a range of online, video and print resources that can be used as part of programmes that support and encourage people to develop skills and knowledge.