INDI Fact Sheets
This area of the INDI website contains all current Fact Sheets. You can quickly find the Fact Sheet you are looking for by using their search box or by using the category listings.
This area of the INDI website contains all current Fact Sheets. You can quickly find the Fact Sheet you are looking for by using their search box or by using the category listings.
Create a free account with the HSE’s Health Promotion publications and gain access to a comprehensive database of posters, infographics and documents for various health and wellbeing topics targeted to various audiences.
The HSE focusses on Living Well, offering comprehensive advice on how to stay well and support your mental and physical health.
The HSE has consolidated Irish resources for healthy eating and offers this comprehensive collection of infographics, posters, fact sheets, guides and advice.
This Healthy Ireland website offers a library of fact sheets, posters and case studies to help you navigate the food pyramid. It offers advice for different ages and details each of the ‘shelves’ within the Healthy Eating Pyramid so that …
The HSE produce and distribute a wide range of health related resources. You can use this database to find relevant information for your topic of interest and then download or order them online.
Alcohol Focus Scotland has developed a valuable fact sheet that will help you run a workplace alcohol awareness event.
In addition to community organisations, the HRB National Drugs Library offers a comprehensive list of community task forces devoted to drug and alcohol awareness throughout Ireland.
The HRB National Drugs Library offers a comprehensive list of community organisations devoted to drug and alcohol awareness throughout Ireland.
Citizen’s Information provides information on addiction treatment services in Ireland.
We provide a free confidential place where you can talk through your concerns about drugs or alcohol, get information about services and consider the options available to you to improve your situation.
Official HSE Drugs and Alcohol information and support.