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Escape Your Chair Challenge

The Irish Heart Foundation is asking people to take on a challenge for one month and break-up their sitting time during the working day. Challenge yourself to move for just one minute in every hour that you are working.

Irish Cancer Society

We are a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together we are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through our advocacy, support services and research.

ASH Ireland

ASH Ireland, Council of the Irish Heart Foundation is the only national voluntary organisation in Ireland working solely to reduce tobacco use and associated disease, disability and death. Our mission is to work towards eliminating tobacco use in Ireland.

Tobacco-Free Ireland

Ireland’s public health policy objective in relation to tobacco control is to promote and subsequently move towards a tobacco free society. Access the national policy here.

HSE Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

The HSE has a detailed Tobacco Free Campus Implementation Guidance Document that outlines how to make your working environment safer for your employees and anyone who visits your workplace.

Irish Heart Foundation

Our mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.

Get Ireland Walking

Get Ireland Walking is a national initiative that aims to maximise the number of people participating in walking – for health, wellbeing and fitness – throughout Ireland.

Get Ireland Active!

The aim of the National Physical Activity Plan is to increase physical activity levels across the whole population. It aims to create a society which facilitates people whether at home at work or at play to lead an active way …


Cara is a national pan-disability sport organisation providing a collaborative and partnership platform to increase sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities across Ireland.


CityWide Drugs Crisis Campaign is a national network of community activists and organisations that are involved in responding to Ireland’s drugs crisis. We work to promote and support a community development approach to the drugs problem – this means involving …