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Folláine san Ionad Oibre

Lean ort chuig Acmhainní

Is cuma más eagraíocht mhór, bheag nó mheánmhéide, poiblí nó príobháideach í d’eagraíocht, tá eagraíochtaí Éireannacha ann ar féidir leo spreagadh, tacaíocht agus deiseanna líonraithe a thairiscint. Tá roinnt eagraíochtaí curtha san áireamh againn a bhféadfaidh tú teagmháil a dhéanamh leo chun cabhrú leat ar do thuras chun Ionad Oibre Sláintiúil a bhaint amach.


Irish Heart Foundation

Our mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.


Cara is a national pan-disability sport organisation providing a collaborative and partnership platform to increase sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities across Ireland.

Croí Heart & Stroke Charity

At Croí, our aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, with a particular focus on the West of Ireland. Our mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery & wellbeing. Our vision is to …

Sport Ireland

Sport Ireland is the authority tasked with the development of sport in Ireland. This includes participation in sport, high performance sport, anti-doping, coaching and the development of the Sport Ireland Campus.

Sports Partnerships

Every day in communities across the country, Sport Ireland through its network of Local Sports Partnerships helps people to get active and removes barriers to sport and physical activity.

Park Run Ireland

Parkrun began in the Republic of Ireland on 10 November 2012 with the first running of Malahide Parkrun. Our aim is to bring a parkrun to any area or community that wants one. To fulfil this ambitious goal, we need …

Ireland Active

National Fitness Day provides a platform for you to take a pledge to help get Ireland fitter. The day is dedicated to celebrate physical activity in Ireland. We welcome leisure centres, gyms, parks and clubs who will be opening their …