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Folláine san Ionad Oibre

Lean ort chuig Acmhainní

Nuair a bhíonn lucht saothair gníomhach go rialta bíonn baol íslithe ann go dtarlóidh riochtaí ainsealacha cosúil le taom croí, stróc agus diaibéiteas. Léirítear freisin go gcabhraíonn aclaíocht maidir le giúmar agus patrúin chodlata a fheabhsú.

Tá go leor oibrithe in Éirinn i mbun oibre a cheanglaíonn orthu a bheith ina suí den chuid is mó agus mar sin tá sé tábhachtach spreagadh a thabhairt do d’fhoireann bogadh thart le linn a n-uaireanta oibre. Tá sé de chumas ag lucht saothair a bhfuil rioscaí laghdaithe galair agus breoiteachta, giúmar feabhsaithe, agus codladh agus feidhmiúlacht níos fearr aige iliomad tairbhí a bhaint amach:

  • Táirgiúlacht, nuálaíocht agus cruthaitheacht níos fearr
  • Spreagadh níos mó agus cumis níos fearr fadhbanna a réiteach
  • Níos mó dílseachta don eagraíocht
  • Comhtháthú níos mó san ionad oibre agus spiorad foirne níos láidre
  • Neamhláithreacht laghdaithe
  • Costais árachais laghdaithe
  • Timpeallacht shláintiúil, shona agus rathúil san ionad oibre

Ina theannta sin, feabhsóidh tiomantas do shláinte d’fhostaithe d’íomhá phoiblí agus do dheiseanna earcaíochta agus coinneála.

Seo cúpla acmhainn gasta duit chun tús a chur leis:

Get Active Your Way!

A valuable resource developed by Get Ireland Active and Healthy Ireland to help get you feeling and looking good by being active.

Escape Your Chair Challenge

The Irish Heart Foundation is asking people to take on a challenge for one month and break-up their sitting time during the working day. Challenge yourself to move for just one minute in every hour that you are working.

Irish Heart Foundation

Our mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.

Get Ireland Walking

Get Ireland Walking is a national initiative that aims to maximise the number of people participating in walking – for health, wellbeing and fitness – throughout Ireland.

Get Ireland Active!

The aim of the National Physical Activity Plan is to increase physical activity levels across the whole population. It aims to create a society which facilitates people whether at home at work or at play to lead an active way …


Cara is a national pan-disability sport organisation providing a collaborative and partnership platform to increase sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities across Ireland.

Cé go bhfuil na hacmhainní seo ina gcuidiú chun tús a chur leis, tá sé an-tábhachtach do ghníomhaíochtaí folláine san ionad oibre a phleanáil go cúramach. Léiríonn taighde gur cheart do gach gníomhaíocht a dhíríonn ar an bhfostaí aonair a chomhcheangal le gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal na heagraíochta. I bhfocail eile, ba cheart duit bearta a ghlacadh i gcónaí chun timpeallacht eagraíochtúil thacúil a chruthú in éineacht le tacaíochtaí atá dírithe ar stíl mhaireachtála do d’fhostaithe. Tá comhairle mhionsonraithe curtha ar fáil againn maidir leis an mbealach is fearr do ghníomhaíochtaí a phleanáil ag an dá leibhéal seo.

Gníomhaíochtaí ar Leibhéal Eagraíochta

Is é “bunchloch” Phirimid Folláine an CIPD ná cultúr, ceannaireacht agus bainistíocht daoine Seo iad na bealaí is fearr lena chinntiú go bhfuil bunús láidir á chruthú agat d’iarrachtaí folláine …

Gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal aonair

Is dócha go ndíreoidh do thionscnaimh folláine ar an leibhéal aonair ar fheasacht a mhúscailt agus/nó scileanna a thógáil chun an réimse folláine seo a bhainistiú.

Déan teagmháil leis an FSS agus le heagraíochtaí tacaíochta pobail le haghaidh infographics agus acmhainní eile inár rannóg Naisc Phobail.


Get Active Your Way!

A valuable resource developed by Get Ireland Active and Healthy Ireland to help get you feeling and looking good by being active.

Escape Your Chair Challenge

The Irish Heart Foundation is asking people to take on a challenge for one month and break-up their sitting time during the working day. Challenge yourself to move for just one minute in every hour that you are working.

Irish Heart Foundation

Our mission is to eliminate preventable death and disability from heart disease and stroke and to support and care for those living with these life-changing conditions.

Get Ireland Walking

Get Ireland Walking is a national initiative that aims to maximise the number of people participating in walking – for health, wellbeing and fitness – throughout Ireland.

Get Ireland Active!

The aim of the National Physical Activity Plan is to increase physical activity levels across the whole population. It aims to create a society which facilitates people whether at home at work or at play to lead an active way …


Cara is a national pan-disability sport organisation providing a collaborative and partnership platform to increase sport and physical activity opportunities for people with disabilities across Ireland.

National Physical Activity Guidelines

This Healthy Ireland website offers the Department of Health’s physical activity guidelines. Acknowledging that regular physical activity is key to getting and staying healthy. Their guidelines include recommendations for children and young people as well as adults, people with disabilities …

Healthy Weight Campaign

Healthy Ireland’s Healthy Weight campaign is one in a series of national measures to help you manage your weight. The aim of the campaign is to support your health by sharing information about behaviours that can affect your weight.

Croí Heart & Stroke Charity

At Croí, our aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, with a particular focus on the West of Ireland. Our mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery & wellbeing. Our vision is to …

HSE Exercise Videos

The HSE developed online exercise videos that are freely available covering strength and conditioning, Pilates, chair yoga and other yoga and could be included as a resource for your staff. The videos are led by qualified exercise instructors and are …