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Folláine san Ionad Oibre

Lean ort chuig Acmhainní

Tá bia sláintiúil ar cheann de cholúin na sláinte agus na folláine, agus is minic gurb é an t-ionad oibre an áit ina n-itheann fostaithe an chuid is mó dá mbia, rud a fhágann gur suíomh iontach é chun bia sláintiúil a chur chun cinn.

Tá go leor cúiseanna ann le bia sláintiúil a chur chun cinn i d’ionad oibre agus a chinntiú go gcabhraíonn do thimpeallacht oibre le roghanna bia sláintiúla. Tá droch-chothú nasctha le galar agus tinneas ainsealach, agus cuirfidh easpa cothaitheach riachtanach bac ar chumas an choirp fás agus leigheas a dhéanamh agus bíonn tionchar aige sin ar fholláine chognaíoch, mhothúchánach agus fhisiciúil.

Is í an tsócmhainn is mó atá ag eagraíocht ná a lucht saothair. Tá sé de chumas ag lucht saothair a bhfuil rioscaí laghdaithe galair agus breoiteachta agus cumas cognaíoch, mothúchánach agus coirp feabhsaithe aige iliomad tairbhí a bhaint amach:

  • Táirgiúlacht, nuálaíocht agus cruthaitheacht níos fearr
  • Spreagadh níos mó agus cumis níos fearr fadhbanna a réiteach
  • Níos mó dílseachta don eagraíocht
  • Comhtháthú níos mó san ionad oibre agus spiorad foirne níos láidre
  • Neamhláithreacht laghdaithe
  • Costais árachais laghdaithe
  • Timpeallacht shláintiúil, shona agus rathúil san ionad oibre

Ina theannta sin, feabhsóidh tiomantas do shláinte d’fhostaithe d’íomhá phoiblí agus do dheiseanna earcaíochta agus coinneála.

Seo cúpla acmhainn gasta duit chun tús a chur leis:

Know Your Numbers

This resource from Healthy Ireland and the HSE encourages you to reflect on your current lifestyle behaviours. A change to how you live your life can reduce your chances of developing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and lung disease and other …

Happy Heart Healthy Eating Award

This is a unique health promotion programme created by the Irish Heart Foundation in the mid-1990s. Through the award programme, catering facilities in healthcare services are assisted and supported to adopt healthier cooking practices and provide healthier food choices without …


The Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) is the professional organisation for dietitians in Ireland representing almost 800 Dietitians and Student Dietitians nationwide. The INDI sets national standards for undergraduate dietetic programmes, dietetic placements, and graduate degree practice programmes.

Healthy Weight Campaign

Healthy Ireland’s Healthy Weight campaign is one in a series of national measures to help you manage your weight. The aim of the campaign is to support your health by sharing information about behaviours that can affect your weight.

Healthy Food for Life

Healthy Ireland’s Food Pyramid guide to every day food choices for adults, teenagers and children aged five and over. It offers tips on how to plan and prepare healthy meals and how to achieve a healthy weight.

Healthy Meeting Guidelines

This poster summarises Healthy Ireland’s guidelines to help you prepare for meetings and offers practical suggestions on providing healthy food options and physical activity.

Cé go bhfuil na hacmhainní seo ina gcuidiú chun tús a chur leis, tá sé an-tábhachtach do ghníomhaíochtaí folláine san ionad oibre a phleanáil go cúramach. Léiríonn taighde gur cheart do gach gníomhaíocht a dhíríonn ar an bhfostaí aonair a chomhcheangal le gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal na heagraíochta. I bhfocail eile, ba cheart duit bearta a ghlacadh i gcónaí chun timpeallacht eagraíochtúil thacúil a chruthú in éineacht le tacaíochtaí atá dírithe ar stíl mhaireachtála do d’fhostaithe. Tá comhairle mhionsonraithe curtha ar fáil againn maidir leis an mbealach is fearr do ghníomhaíochtaí a phleanáil ag an dá leibhéal seo.

Gníomhaíochtaí ar Leibhéal Eagraíochta

Is é “bunchloch” Phirimid Folláine an CIPD ná cultúr, ceannaireacht agus bainistíocht daoine. Seo iad na bealaí is fearr lena chinntiú go bhfuil bunús láidir á chruthú agat d’iarrachtaí folláine san ionad oibre:

Gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal aonair

Is dócha go ndíreoidh do thionscnaimh folláine ar an leibhéal aonair ar fheasacht a mhúscailt agus/nó scileanna a thógáil chun an réimse folláine seo a bhainistiú.

Déan teagmháil leis an FSS agus le heagraíochtaí tacaíochta pobail le haghaidh infographics agus acmhainní eile inár rannóg Naisc Phobail.


Know Your Numbers

This resource from Healthy Ireland and the HSE encourages you to reflect on your current lifestyle behaviours. A change to how you live your life can reduce your chances of developing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and lung disease and other …

Happy Heart Healthy Eating Award

This is a unique health promotion programme created by the Irish Heart Foundation in the mid-1990s. Through the award programme, catering facilities in healthcare services are assisted and supported to adopt healthier cooking practices and provide healthier food choices without …


The Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) is the professional organisation for dietitians in Ireland representing almost 800 Dietitians and Student Dietitians nationwide. The INDI sets national standards for undergraduate dietetic programmes, dietetic placements, and graduate degree practice programmes.

Healthy Weight Campaign

Healthy Ireland’s Healthy Weight campaign is one in a series of national measures to help you manage your weight. The aim of the campaign is to support your health by sharing information about behaviours that can affect your weight.

Healthy Food for Life

Healthy Ireland’s Food Pyramid guide to every day food choices for adults, teenagers and children aged five and over. It offers tips on how to plan and prepare healthy meals and how to achieve a healthy weight.

Healthy Meeting Guidelines

This poster summarises Healthy Ireland’s guidelines to help you prepare for meetings and offers practical suggestions on providing healthy food options and physical activity.

Croí Heart & Stroke Charity

At Croí, our aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, with a particular focus on the West of Ireland. Our mission is to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery & wellbeing. Our vision is to …

HSE Healthy Eating Guidelines

The Healthy Food for Life resources are for the entire population over the age of five and they define the Irish Government recommendations on healthy eating and a balanced diet. The guidelines and resources provide practical support for individuals and …

Bord Bia

The Irish Food Board website is a wonderful resource to connect you with food that has been produced to the highest quality standards. It also includes recipes, nutrition and gardening advice.