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Folláine san Ionad Oibre

Lean ort chuig Acmhainní

Cosnaíonn ionad oibre saor ó thobac sláinte gach oibrí. Tá caitheamh tobac agus toit thánaisteach ina phríomhfhachtóir riosca maidir le go leor galar ainsealach.

Seachas an dualgas dlíthiúil sláinte d’fhostaithe a chosaint agus go háirithe iad a chosaint ar thoit thánaisteach, tá go leor buntáistí ag baint le dul i ngleic le caitheamh tobac.

  • Riosca laghdaithe dlíthíochta
  • Táirgiúlacht fheabhsaithe foirne sláintiúil agus costais oibríochta laghdaithe
  • Tá costais bhliantúla cúraim sláinte d’fhostaithe a fhaigheann préimheanna sláinte níos ísle
  • Acmhainn maidir le costais árachais laghdaithe.
  • Riosca laghdaithe timpistí agus dóiteáin, as a dtagann préimheanna árachais dóiteáin agus timpistí níos ísle.
  • Laghdú ar chostais ghlantacháin agus ar chostais chothabhála
  • Feabhas ar cháil i measc an phobail agus mar shócmhainn earcaíochta nuair a bhreathnaítear uirthi mar fostóir freagrach agus mar fhostóir a thugann aire don chomhshaol
  • Rannchuidiú don tsochaí chun dul i ngleic le saincheist thábhachtach. Is é an tobac an chúis aonair bháis is inchoiscthe ar domhan faoi láthair.

Seo cúpla acmhainn gasta duit chun tús a chur leis:

Irish Cancer Society

We are a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together we are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through our advocacy, support services and research.

ASH Ireland

ASH Ireland, Council of the Irish Heart Foundation is the only national voluntary organisation in Ireland working solely to reduce tobacco use and associated disease, disability and death. Our mission is to work towards eliminating tobacco use in Ireland.

Tobacco-Free Ireland

Ireland’s public health policy objective in relation to tobacco control is to promote and subsequently move towards a tobacco free society. Access the national policy here.

HSE Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

The HSE has a detailed Tobacco Free Campus Implementation Guidance Document that outlines how to make your working environment safer for your employees and anyone who visits your workplace.

Cé go bhfuil na hacmhainní seo ina gcuidiú chun tús a chur leis, tá sé an-tábhachtach do ghníomhaíochtaí folláine san ionad oibre a phleanáil go cúramach. Léiríonn taighde gur cheart do gach gníomhaíocht a dhíríonn ar an bhfostaí aonair a chomhcheangal le gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal na heagraíochta. I bhfocail eile, ba cheart duit bearta a ghlacadh i gcónaí chun timpeallacht eagraíochtúil thacúil a chruthú in éineacht le tacaíochtaí atá dírithe ar stíl mhaireachtála do d’fhostaithe. Tá comhairle mhionsonraithe curtha ar fáil againn maidir leis an mbealach is fearr do ghníomhaíochtaí a phleanáil ag an dá leibhéal seo.

Gníomhaíochtaí ar Leibhéal Eagraíochta

Is é “bunchloch” Phirimid Folláine an CIPD ná cultúr, ceannaireacht agus bainistíocht daoine. Seo iad na bealaí is fearr lena chinntiú go bhfuil bunús láidir á chruthú agat d’iarrachtaí folláine …

Gníomhaíochtaí ar leibhéal aonair

Is dócha go ndíreoidh do thionscnaimh folláine ar an leibhéal aonair ar fheasacht a mhúscailt agus/nó scileanna a thógáil chun an réimse folláine seo a bhainistiú.


Irish Cancer Society

We are a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together we are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through our advocacy, support services and research.

ASH Ireland

ASH Ireland, Council of the Irish Heart Foundation is the only national voluntary organisation in Ireland working solely to reduce tobacco use and associated disease, disability and death. Our mission is to work towards eliminating tobacco use in Ireland.

Tobacco-Free Ireland

Ireland’s public health policy objective in relation to tobacco control is to promote and subsequently move towards a tobacco free society. Access the national policy here.

HSE Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

The HSE has a detailed Tobacco Free Campus Implementation Guidance Document that outlines how to make your working environment safer for your employees and anyone who visits your workplace.

A Guide to Smoke-free Workplaces

This resource from the Cancer Council New South Wales is a valuable guide that details how to create a smoke-free workplace and highlights its benefits. 

Support to QUIT

The best thing you can do for your health is not to smoke or vape. The HSE offers free support and advice on options that help with nicotine withdrawal.

Tobacco-Free Campus

The HSE has a detailed Tobacco Free Campus Implementation Guidance Document that outlines how to make your working environment safer for your employees and anyone who visits your workplace.