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Throughout the sections in this website, we have offered checklists, tools, resources, and evidence to ease the process of creating your Healthy Workplace. We have consolidated these resources into a Resource Hub and have categorised them for ease of searching.

Healthy Workplace people with gears
227 Resources



Men’s Network

The Men’s Development Network is an Irish non-profit organisation headquartered in Waterford City with the key focus on being leaders in promoting change and equality within society. Under the mission statement: “Better Lives for Men; Better Lives for All” the …

Helplink Mental Health

Helplink Mental Health’s mission is to provide accessible, free or low cost mental health services; locally, nationally and internationally, 7 days a week and out–of–hours. The three types of mental health services that Helplink provides are: Counselling, Information Provision and …

Healthy Communities Programme

The Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme aims to provide increased health and wellbeing services in priority community areas across Ireland. These initiatives will be delivered through partnership working with a range of partners (HSE, local authorities and community groups) working together …

Healthy Eating at Work Guide

This is a valuable resource from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety that offers a comprehensive case for focussing on healthy eating in the workplace along with helpful advice on how to go about it.

Setting up a Breakfast Bar

This is a poster from the British Heart Foundation that details how your organisation can help your employees start the day healthfully.

Healthy Eating Guidelines

Healthy Ireland has rounded up some of the first steps you can take to make a difference to your overall health by eating well. It includes tips for kids through to adults and advice on cooking healthy meals and losing …

H-WORK Interventions Toolkit

This is a European project to develop and validate multi-level assessment and intervention toolkits, evaluating individual and organisational outcomes of the adopted measures. The aim is to effectively promote mental health, along with policy recommendations for employers, occupational health professionals …

The Mental Health at Work Programme

The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health developed toolkits for various mental health topics and targeted to various levels of decision-makers. These may be useful resources to your organisation.

Connecting for Life

Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide aims to better understand suicidal behaviour and improve quality and access to integrated services while supporting communities to prevent and respond to suicidal behaviour.