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Le linn na rannóga ar an láithreán gréasáin seo, tá seicliostaí, uirlisí, acmhainní agus fianaise curtha ar fáil againn chun an próiseas chun d’Ionad Oibre Sláintiúil a chruthú a éascú. Rinneamar na hacmhainní seo a chomhdhlúthú i Mol Acmhainní agus rinneamar iad a chatagóiriú ar mhaithe le héascaíocht cuardaigh.

Healthy Workplace people with gears
227 Acmhainn



Office of Government Procurement (OGP)

The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) plays a key role in helping the State to save money when buying goods and services. Responsible for sourcing common goods and services for the public sector in Ireland, the OGP works to deliver …

Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly employs around 1,500 people, with an additional 500 outsourced & contract staff involved in the provision of day-to-day support services for the company’s operations. The manufacturing campus in Kinsale employs over 750 people, and supports the commercialisation, manufacture …

Public Policy Mechanisms

A description of Public Policy Mechanisms to support Healthy Workplaces and Workplace Health Programmes A Department of Health research paper, 2018

Healthy Workplace Framework

The Healthy Workplace Framework is a government strategy to enhance the health and wellbeing of Ireland’s workers. The Framework is one part of The Healthy Ireland Framework 2013-2025. The Framework sets the strategic direction for workplace policies and programmes to …

Healthy Catering Ideas

This resource is from the South Australian Government Health Division. It is a handy fact sheet on how to ensure your organisation provides healthy meal choices.

The Recovery Academy of Ireland

We want to give a voice to people in recovery, their families and allies, and offer a vision of hope for the future. We want the academy to be a place where people can learn about recovery from others who …